Thursday, June 26, 2014

Another fiery hoop

I am trying to find a good management software to use for both prospectus as well as final dissertation. I am entertaining the idea of using Scrivener. So far I like the capabilities. I do not like the lack of Mendeley integration for citations and citation management, but that may just need to be a work around for me to manage.

I have spent June focusing on getting some research projects here at UT Arlington completed and working with a few students on their projects. I have spent considerable time cleaning and organizing my references in Mendeley for dissertation proposal as well as giving thought to the artifact. Preliminary literature reviews are looking good as well as basic thoughts on evaluation of the framework/method, or whatever actually comes out. I am a little concerned about the revelations on the truecrypt project and how it will affect my research designs, but that may just be worry.

I will begin mind mapping the constructs and ideas here soon in the next week. I will be using this blog to outline and track myself during the dissertation process. I will also attempt to get back to my youtube channel for video logging the process as well.

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