Monday, September 17, 2007

Using Automator to Show Hidden Files in BSD Filesystem

This has probably been posted before somewhere else, but I found it to be useful to move it beyond the standard shell script.

At times I want to see the hidden files in Mac OS X, at other times my OCD of being organized makes me crazy and I have to turn them off. This is a perfect example of using OS X's built in functionality to simplify my life by making these easy scripts finder plugins using Apple Automator.

The script itself is quite easy:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder

to Hide Files

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

to Show Files

Now use these in Automator:

Save them as a plugin for the Finder:

and you are good to go:

This can be a real time saver. This does however kill the Finder, (killall Finder), which will cause Finder to relaunch, but this has not been a problem since 10.2.


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